Why Kill Bunky?
If you are all caught up on all of the episodes of Harlem Queen, thank you for listening!
I love this photo because the young man looks like how I imagine Bunky would look. Bunky is a sweet, careful, young man, always ready, which is why he keeps his “little friend” around.
If you haven’t had a chance to listen to all of the episodes yet, that’s fine. I understand. You have a lot to do, but I do hope you have a moment to listen soon because….
Bunky dies.
I forget which episode, but yes, the original B-boy dies.
A kind listener of the show wrote to me and asked me why I killed Bunky. I appreciated the question. Questions like that help me become a better writer.
I just want to say that I love Bunky and I love the love that Bunky and Madame Stephanie St. Clair have for each other.
The reason why Bunky had to go is simple. I needed to make Stephanie an “open target” and vulnerable and with Bunky at her side protecting her, she was not an open target and Michelle could not swoop in and do her damage.
I do feel that if I were to tell this story using visuals like in a movie (…ahem…coming soon…) I would not have to kill Bunky. But since Harlem Queen is audio only, complications and conflicts have to be simplified because we are only getting the story through our ears and I do not want to overwork your brains.
Visually, the actors could act vulnerable, hesitant, resistant - all of the things - without using words, but by using their facial expressions and body language.
So yes, Bunky had to die.
In Harlem Queen, Bunky is portrayed by Steven Hylton.
Doesn’t Steven sound dreamy?
(Don’t worry, we may have some flashbacks with Bunky later on down the road.)
I am looking forward to telling you more about the women of Harlem Queen; the women who did the accounting and bookkeeping and even ran their own numbers game.
Stay tuned…
And if you have any questions, please ask! Like I said, questions really help me tell a better story.
As always, thank you for listening, reading, liking, sharing!